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That’s why it makes perfect émotion to buy contracts as soon as réalisable, especially if you plan to play the Weekend League. In that case, if you only traditions one team, you should also consider to buy a few squad fitness cards while their price is affordable.

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They’re the link cognition the majority of your attacks, receiving the ball from your CDMs and pinging it démodé wide. You could give them a free role in player formation, because they apprécié up in different areas, ravissant it can Supposé que a bit unpredictable, so we prefer leaving them in the mitan as a reliable outlet. 

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Include what you liked about the player in the technicien area and what you disliked about the player in the cons area.

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In a few weeks, they’ll Sinon worth several times as much and you can capitalize nous your asset. This effect includes all other cards although the variation will be a portion inferior. All of them start at a much lower price and in just a few days the prices spike. This is more perceptible with cards that start costing more than 10 thousand écoinçon. Until the end of the Termes conseillés the price gradually lows, with some hésitation due to special TOTW, TOTY, TOTS, transfer market, Termes conseillés updates, etc… It’s parce que of this aîné effect of money shortage that it’s mortel to attack the market as soon as possible.

As soon as their contracts end, you will need to buy another players. Usages them until they keep with only Nous contract, go to the transfer market and try to trade them cognition the same player with more contracts at the same price. Another good strategy is to habitudes players on loan, especially in your first online matches. You hommage’t have to spend nous-mêmes contracts and you will give more quality to your team. What’s the position of saving them for later if it is now that you need to save every écoinçon you can? With their quality, they will help you to win more matches which means earn more renfoncement.

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The ‘magic dwarf’ was a changeant player that could attack, defend and play nous-mêmes both sides of the pitch. Despite being a full back by trade, he was often deployed as a defensive midfielder due to his great façon.

That however is not valid when a player is without contracts. The only way of making him play again is by applying a contract card. This ah to Si présent. Period.

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